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sales MARKET


Feature films may be entered into our sales market section for which we present them to our Sales and Distribution committee. This is made up of several companies and individuals working in film sales and distribution.
Films are evaluated and if selected are entered into the "Birmingham Film Festival Sales Market" which is a comprehensive sales programme, creating opportunity for distribution deals and sale representation to be acquired by the filmmakers.

Success films receive Official Selection in the BFF Sales Market.

The Sales Market Selection is presented to our Distribution Registry - a selection of companies seeking feature films for sales and distribution. Check the website for details of this year's Sales Market offering.

Company will express their interest, allowing for direct contact between distribution company and film producers to be arranged.

Films with substantial interest will be invited to a sales and press screening event during the festival. This film presentation may not occur on our main auditorium and is held at the BFF's discretion. 

All films are also review by the Awards Committee in consideration for awards nominations.

Award Nominated films will be automatically guaranteed a screening as part of the festival programme in our main auditorium.

Distributors expressing an interest in several films on the sale list may request a meeting during the festival. You will be informed of the meeting request and may attend or not at your own discretion.


You film will be viewed by the Festival Awards Committee for nomination consideration.
Your film will be view by the Sales and Distribution committee for Sales Market consideration.
Your film is may not be selected for screening if it receives no nomination.
Your film may be selected for awards nomination but not the BFF Sales Market.
Your film may be selected for the BFF Sales Market but not for awards nomination in competition.
All expressions of interest in films will be passed on to the producers.



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